Monday, February 6, 2012

So Thankful...............

.................that Miss Morgan is still growing safe inside of me. It's easy to forget how quickly things can change when everything has been going go so well. We have had no scares since the beginning (which really weren't scares, just maybes. Maybe twins and maybe a tubal pregnancy, neither!) which I am very thankful for! But a friend of mine's daughter had her baby at 25 weeks which is way too early. The baby weighs just over 1 pound. Her little feet are smaller then her mommas thumb. She's so tiny and fragile. It quickly reminded me that even though things have been going so good, things can change in a heartbeat. And it reminded me to be thankful for such an amazing pregnancy so far. No problems, no scares, no major sickness, and no major tiredness. I am so blessed to have things going so well.

Not only are they going well, they are going quickly. I will be 28 weeks on Thursday, starting my third trimester. I can not believe I am just days from the third trimester. I remember 12 weeks and thinking how far I had to go and how long it was going to get there. Now I am wondering where the time has gone. I know these next few weeks will go even quicker because we are going to be ridiculously busy.

I ordered some bows for miss priss and they should come in any day now. I can't wait! Next weekend we are suppose to go shopping to find her dresser and will probably get her mattress too. There's still so much to do before she gets here. I am hoping the class will have their sketches done soon so I can pick and they can get started. I am not too worried about her room getting finished because they are suppose to be done by March 10th. I can't wait for our shower to see all the sweet things our family and friends have gotten her. I know she is already loved so much!!

Well, I am very tired and about to hit the hay. Have a good night!

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