Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This and That

Ball season is over which means cheerleading is over. No more late nights or practice everyday after school. It has been nice to work in my room after school or come right home. Cory starts elementary basketball but it is only for a month and I don't have to do cheerleading. It's nice to have time to relax or to get things done.

Cory called me today at work to tell me he was at the emergency room. He thought his finger was broken. He was playing basketball with one of his classes. The ball came down and he went to rebound it and it hit his pinky finger. After x-rays it was determined that it was dislocated. They put it back in place and put him in a splint. So thankful it wasn't broken.

We finally got Morgan's dresser and a tall slender shelf for her room. Now the big stuff is bought. I feel so much better. The class started on her room last Friday. It is now painted and I'm guessing they will start on the tree next. I don't get to see it anymore because they want it to be a surprise. I am super excited and ready for it to be finished. My first shower is in two weeks and I am definently ready to bring her gifts home and put them in her room. My maternity picts are also two weeks away and I am sooo excited!! I know Jay will do a great job! My mother-in-law bought Morgan some hand-me down clothes and they are adorable. I got all of them washed and folded this weekend. Now they are ready to be put in her dresser.

I guess everything went well with my glucose test because they haven't called to tell me anything. I would assume that if there was a problem they would be calling me. We go back in about 2 weeks. We also get to do a 3D ultrasound since Morgan wouldn't cooperate the last time. I am very excited, not only to get a 3D pic but to see how she is doing. We haven't done an ultra sound in months and I just want to see her and make sure she is growing good. She is still moving like crazy and has been up in my ribs a couple of times. Not excruciating pain but wasn't too comfortable either. My ankles have turned into cankles the past week and a half and Cory thinks it's hilarious. Me, not so much. I think it looks disgusting. Thankfully they will go back down and look normal. I am still feeling pretty good most days, just a little uncomfortable every once in a while. So happy that I will be 31 weeks on Thursday and Miss Morgan will be here in 8 weeks!!! I can't wait to meet my sweet little princess!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

7 months

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 28 weeks

Size of Baby: Approx 2 pounds and about 14 inches long

Gender: Girl!!!!! Morgan Amory

Maternity Clothes: Yes, Maternity pants, and shirts. I can
still wear some of my regular shirts but a lot of them are
getting too tight. I'm on the last couple of weeks of my
t-shirts. Most are getting too tight.

Weight Gain:18 pounds

Movement: She moves all the time. Usually first thing in the
morning, the middle of the day and right before bed. Some days
when I have been really really busy the day before she doesn't
move much. I guess she is tired just like me.

Symptoms: Leg cramps at night, feeling like I have to pee all
the time, acid reflux ALL the time, swelling in my feet
and legs, and not being able to bend over easily.

Cravings: Milk, I can't get enough of it!

Best Moment of the Month: Making it to the third trimester!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

So Thankful...............

.................that Miss Morgan is still growing safe inside of me. It's easy to forget how quickly things can change when everything has been going go so well. We have had no scares since the beginning (which really weren't scares, just maybes. Maybe twins and maybe a tubal pregnancy, neither!) which I am very thankful for! But a friend of mine's daughter had her baby at 25 weeks which is way too early. The baby weighs just over 1 pound. Her little feet are smaller then her mommas thumb. She's so tiny and fragile. It quickly reminded me that even though things have been going so good, things can change in a heartbeat. And it reminded me to be thankful for such an amazing pregnancy so far. No problems, no scares, no major sickness, and no major tiredness. I am so blessed to have things going so well.

Not only are they going well, they are going quickly. I will be 28 weeks on Thursday, starting my third trimester. I can not believe I am just days from the third trimester. I remember 12 weeks and thinking how far I had to go and how long it was going to get there. Now I am wondering where the time has gone. I know these next few weeks will go even quicker because we are going to be ridiculously busy.

I ordered some bows for miss priss and they should come in any day now. I can't wait! Next weekend we are suppose to go shopping to find her dresser and will probably get her mattress too. There's still so much to do before she gets here. I am hoping the class will have their sketches done soon so I can pick and they can get started. I am not too worried about her room getting finished because they are suppose to be done by March 10th. I can't wait for our shower to see all the sweet things our family and friends have gotten her. I know she is already loved so much!!

Well, I am very tired and about to hit the hay. Have a good night!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Abby Update

Miss Abby is getting so big and I know once Morgan gets here Abby won't get as much attention. I thought I would I do an update since I haven't done one in a while.

Let me first say she is absolutely a mess. If she wasn't so darn cute she would be in a lot of trouble. She is now 9 months old and weighs 21 pounds. We are really hoping she is done growing because we don't want her to get any bigger. She was weird about eating a couple of months ago. We would put out food for her and she wouldn't eat until like 4 or 5 hours later. We finally figured out the problem. She was bored with her food or she just didn't like it. We have now changed her food and she eats like crazy again. She LOVES popcorn and will stand in front of the microwave waiting for it to be done. She begs for any food and will eat anything. She also eats anything she finds on the ground, rocks, leaves, dirt, bugs, paper, on and on.

We can't keep toys for her because she promptly chews them up. We have found few things that takes her a while to tear up. She loves to play fetch and will bring the toy back to you, only to tease you by turning her head when you reach for the toy. She still very rarely barks unless being played with. She does not bark at people or noises unless it's something that scares her. She is still a big baby and is scared of lots of things.

I do believe she is her daddy's girl. She would much rather snuggle up to Cory then me any day. If Cory is not home it's a different story but when he's home, I'm chop liver. She still LOVES to cuddle and wants to be touching you. She is always under your feet and often sits right between my feet when I'm washing dishes or cooking. She is getting a little bit more independent and not following us from room to room like she use to. She loves to lay in the sun and get on the back of the couch and look outside. She knows what outside, treats, and no means. She can sit, lay down and shake. We are working on rolling over but haven't put that much effort into it. She has finally learned how to jump on the couch and we no longer have to help her up anymore. We thought she would never be able to jump up on our bed because it is pretty high for her put to our surprise the other day she did it. We were both sitting on the bed talking and all of sudden she just jumped up on the bed. We couldn't believe it. I don't know that she will ever do it again but we now know she can do it.

She's still very hyper at times and we are hoping most of it is because she is still a puppy. We are trying to teach her not to jump up on people but that is so hard. We're anxious how she will act when Morgan gets here. I know she won't be mean to her or hurt her on purpose but if she doesn't settle down a little she might on accident. She still loves all people and all animals. Tide is her best friend and he has really grown to like her. I think she is going to be a good big sister! I can't wait until Morgan is big enough to play with her. They will have so much fun!!