Saturday, January 14, 2012

6 Months

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 6 months
Size of Baby: approximately a foot long, and just over a pound
Gender: Girl!!! Morgan Amory Russell

Maternity Clothes: Yes! Maternity pants, and some maternity shirts.
I can still wear some of my regular shirts and some
regular pants with my belly bad, but not many.
Weight Gain: 17 pounds
Movement: She moves ALL the time! And usually at the
same time of day. She is very active at night when I lay
on my back. Cory has felt her kick once or twice but usually
when he tries to feel her she stops. Poor guy :)
Sleep: I am still sleeping pretty good. I usually get up
once to use the bathroom but not more then that. I am not
looking forward to the days when I am so uncomfortable
that I can't sleep.
Symptoms: Still have lots of heartburn and acid reflux. It doesn't
matter what I eat, I get it. I have really noticed swelling in my legs
the past couple of weeks. I'm sure it's because I am on my feet
all day long. I wore my high heel boots the other day and know
that I am not going to be able to wear them much longer. It's
getting harder and harder to put my shoes on, bend over, get up, etc.
I get out of breath easily and noticed my hips hurting some.

Cravings: The past weeks I haven't really craved anything. This week
I have just craved something really good but not sure what it is.
Silly, I know!!
Best Moment of the Month: Getting to see my belly
move for the first time! I didn't think I would
see her move like this for a while but I was happily surprised
last night to watch her kick! So sweet!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I found your blog a few weeks ago, and I am expecting my first baby (a boy) in February! Congrats on your baby girl, and I hope things continue to go well. P.S. Abby is adorable!