Sunday, October 9, 2011

Now I Know

Before I got pregnant, I would hear other people talk about pregnancy symptoms, how they felt, etc. I always wondered how I would feel and what symptoms I would have. I always wondered if when it happened, what I would feel like and if it would be something I would know I was definitely pregnant. Well when it did happen, I did not know. In fact I assumed I wasn't. I really didn't feel any different at all. The only thing that was different was that I had major heart burn and I had never had it before. That went on for about a month, but I haven't had any since then. Other then that, for about a month and a half I had no symptoms. No morning sickness, which I was VERY thankful for! And hoping it stayed that way the whole pregnancy. I really didn't feel pregnant and was freaked out that maybe I really wasn't. I was so happy to go to the dr and he confirm that I was.

Things are a little different now. I am 10 weeks and 5 days and have symptoms. Darn symptoms. Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT complaining. It's just not fun to be sick. I have been getting a little morning sickness at night, but not terrible. I just feel a little nauseousness but nothing to run to the toilet for. I have always gotten car sick but being pregnant seems to have made it ten times worse. I usually feel sick but usually never actually throw up. Now I take Dramamine before we go anywhere! And I am starving ALL the time! If I let myself get too hungry things get bad. My head starts killing me and I feel like I'm going to puke. One day I felt so sick I went home after work, tried to get some soup down because I knew that was my problem and ended up going to bed at 8:00. I bought some snacks and am taking them to work and hoping that helps. I also gag at just about anything, brushing my teeth, the hand soap in the kitchen, smells, and food! Food I have always liked. Now there's a lot of things I can't even think about because the thought makes me want to throw up. I absolutely love garlic lovers hummus and now just the thought sends me running. I hated orange juice before and now I can't get enough. I want things that are creamy, sweet, or bread and pasta. I was weird about food before, but now it's bad. It's about to drive Cory crazy. Poor guy.

I go to the Dr. on Wednesday. I'm anxious to see what he does this time and find out how the baby is doing. Hoping this little bit of sickness goes away and doesn't last the whole time. Still feeling like things are going really slow. When I think about that I am ten weeks, I think really is that it?? I hate to feel that way because I know with how crazy hectic our lives are right now it will go fast. But ten weeks just doesn't feel very far along. I'm def ready to look pregnant. I want people to be able to look at me and know I am for sure pregnant, and not have to wonder if I am just fat or if there something in there. I'm ready to feel the baby move and find out what it is. Not ready for it to be over, just ready to  for things to be more far along.

Still so thankful that God has blessed us with allowing us to get pregnant. Praying things continue to go well and that the baby is healthy and there are no problems or complications. 

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

its a girl! I had those exact same cravings!