Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I am........

I am.... a Christian, daughter, sister, wife, aunt, granddaughter,
friend, and lover of all things scrapbooking.

I want.... to learn how to sew, to make more time
to scrapbook, go on another cruise with my husband.

I have... no kids yet, but praying we will get pregnant soon.

I wish... I could lose weight and keep it off, have three
kids, and move to Indiana.

I hate... pickles, mushrooms, grapefruit, and liver.

I fear... not getting the chance to have kids, mice, and snakes.

I hear... my husband tell me he loves me all the time! :)

I search... for my cell phone all the time!

I wonder... how much longer we have on this earth, where Cory
and I will go next, if we will have a boy or a girl.

I regret... some decisions I made in high school that cost me
an extremely close friend.

I love... Jesus Christ, my husband, my family, and fall

I ache... after I haven't exercised in weeks, for the people who
have lost their jobs.

I always... lock the door when I come in the house, put my
seat belt on, am looking for something I have lost.

I usually... spend my lunch break on the Internet, call my mom
at least 4 times a week, tell Cory I love him.

I am not... as patient as I should be. But working on that.

I dance... when a great song comes on, but not usually.

I sing... in the car, at home, when I hear a song I love.

I never... forget my cell phone, or makeup.

I sometimes... go in crazy mode and want the house
spotless. Other times, it doesn't bother me.

I cry... over sappy love stories, when I can't see my family,
and when I think of death.

I am not always... the wife I want to be.... working on that

I lose... EVERYTHING!! My husband gets very annoyed
with me. If I don't write it down, I will probably forget to
do it.

I am grateful... for an amazing husband who loves me and
takes care of me.

I need to... spend less time watching TV and more time reading.

I should... eat less and exercise more.

Who are you??

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