Sunday, December 30, 2012

Trimming the Tree

28 weeks old

Thankful for Grandparents

Meme, Papa, Kobi and Morgan

Grandpa Morgan, Granny Jan, Morgan, Kathrine, and Kobi

Merry and Bright

Morgan 26 weeks old

Thankful for our little turkey

Morgan 7 months

How could we not be? She is definitely the cutest little turkey I have ever seen!
We are so very thankful for this sweet, precious baby girl. She is developing her own
little personality and becoming even more sweeter and lovable. We are so thankful for
those slobbery baby kisses, gorgeous smiles when she sees us, laughs of excitement when
we do something silly, and a little cuddle time when she's sleepy or taking a bottle. We always
have so many things to be thankful for but this Thanksgiving we have an extra precious little
girl to be thankful for. So very glad that Jesus had a plan and He knew what He was doing
when we went through our two years of infertility, and in the end gave us the most
amazing gift we would ever receive. So thankful that He knew exactly what we needed in
our lives when He sent Miss Morgan to us. We love her more then anything!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Morgan's First Turkey Day

This year for Thanksgiving we went to Indiana to be with my family. Everybody was able to make it except for Amanda and Kayden. We really missed them and hope they can come next year. I was super excited for Morgan to try some yummy food at Thanksgiving and was so glad she ended up awake during the meal. She was taking a nap and everybody kept saying it was almost time to eat. I was freaking just a little inside because I really didn't want her to miss it. I knew she wouldn't remember nor did she care if she was awake, but I wanted her there and I wanted her to eat some yummy food with us. She got to try mashed potatoes, gravy, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce, and stuffing. She really liked it all.

Me, Morgan, Aunt Sarah, and cousin Katherine
Meme, Kobi, Papa, and Morgan
I really enjoyed watching the babies play and Morgan interact with other kids. She doesn't get much interaction with other kids because she is home all day with my mom. Her and Katherine were so funny because one would start crying and then the other would start crying for no reason at all. Gracie seemed to enjoy the babies too. I think it was because she wasn't the baby and could "boss" the little ones around. No, she really didn't boss them but she enjoyed helping them out and probably having little people around her size.
Katherine, Gracie, and Morgan
 While we were there we got pictures of all the grand kids (except Amanda) with the grandparents and all the great grand kids (except Kayden) with grandparents. I would love to get them professionally done one day, but for now these will do.
Grandpa Morgan and Granny Jan, Meme and Papa, Katherine, Isaac,
Gracie, Abbie, Morgan, and Kobi
Grandparents and Great grand kids

Thursday, December 13, 2012

7 months

(late again! I can't seem to get this done on time. I guess as long as I get it done, right?)

At 7 month Morgan:

is wearing 6-9 month clothing but some are getting too small, mainly footed pajamas. She can wear 9 month and a couple 12 month. She also wears size 3 diaper and size 3 shoe.

is still not sleeping good at night, and sometimes not good during the day either. Ever since we moved and went to work she has not done well. She is now waking up between 10:00 and 12:00, we put her back to sleep, then wakes up at 2:30 for a bottle, and the past few weeks has started waking up at 5:00am AND not going back to sleep!! Let me just say, I am EXHAUSTED!! I love this little girl more then anything, but I need my sleep. The problem with her waking up at 5:00 and not going back to sleep is that I get up at 5:15 to get ready to go to work. If she wakes up it takes usually about 20-30 minutes to get her back to sleep. If she doesn't go back to sleep then you have watch her and make sure she doesn't get into stuff. Either way, I end up being late to work. We have got to get this little girl on a better schedule. Or any schedule would be better then what she is doing now. I miss my sleeping 9-10 hours little girl. Not only do I need my sleep but I know she does too.

is still eating fruit for breakfast and veggies and a meat for dinner and is eating about 5 bottles during the day and night together. We have given her some "real" food and for the most part she has liked everything. At Thanksgiving she got mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce. She has also had yogurt, mashed sweet potatoes, frozen yogurt, oatmeal, and avocado. I started giving her the baby cereal puffs and baby yogurt melts, and she does ok with them. I usually bite them in half because they seem too big for her right now. She has choked a couple of times but seems to be getting the hang of it.

drinks out of a sippy cup and has learned to put her head back to get something out of it. She will drink water and juice and loves both of them equally. She also holds her own bottle but sometimes gets lazy about it and wants you to hold it for her.

is getting more and more interested in what we are eating and has started to reach for it.

got her two bottom teeth within days of each other on Nov. 28 and 30. She has found them with her tongue and feels them with it all the time. She did great while getting them. No diarrhea, no fever, and no fussiness, well not anymore than usual ;)

is really starting to throw fits now. When you take something away from her, put her down when she doesn't want to be put down, or move her she will squeal and whale her arms around in anger. She has also started to get mad at Abby. Morgan will head for Abby to get her bone and when Abby grabs the bone and runs away Morgan throws a fit. It's too funny! She is definitely showing her red headed temper!

is pulling up and into everything. She wants anything that she is not suppose to have. She loves to get into Abby's water bowl and will either dump it or play in it if you don't get to her quick enough. She loves the Christmas tree and chewing on it or taking the ornaments off.

rolls and wants to get up the second you lay her down to change her diaper. That's real fun when she has poop all over her booty!

has waved bye-bye 2 times. The first time I was telling her to tell the baby in the mirror bye-bye and she did. I thought it was probably a fluke. Then a couple of days later I told her to wave bye-bye to someone and she did. So maybe she is learning how to do it. I am trying to teach her baby sign language but she just looks at me like I'm an idiot. Right now we are working on food, drink, and more.

loves to give kisses.................sometimes. Some days she won't stop giving them to you and other days she turns her head and won't give any. It's so cute when she does though. She leans in and opens her mouth real wide. They're big and slobbery but I'll take them anytime I can get them!!

"dances" when she hears familiar music. She does her head side to side and looks super cute! She will dance to the music of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Patty Cake, and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. When I sing Patty Cake she also slaps her hands on her legs. I guess this is her way of clapping right now. I have always clapped her hands but she hasn't figured it out yet.

has babbled more this month. She babbles ya, da, and LOVES to squeal, both in anger and just because.

hates her carseat! She is getting a new one for Christmas that sits her up more so we are hoping that she will be able to see out the window and won't be as cranky in the car.

is loving the Christmas tree! She loves to pull the ornaments, lights and ribbon OFF! Thankfully she hasn't pulled it over yet, but I've put the ribbon back too many times. She also sat on Santa's lap with no problem. She didn't cry like I thought she would but she didn't smile either. Course this was no surprise because she refuses to smile for other people OR pictures.

is the cutest, most precious baby EVER!!!! We love our baby girl more and more every day and really enjoy her. Just wish time would slow down......................

Our little turkey!
Thanksgiving 2012
26 weeks
Saturday morning play with mommy
27 weeks

Bath time with my cousin Kathryn
26 weeks
28 weeks old