Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yummy to My Tummy

(We actually started Morgan on baby food just before 3 months old, but I wanted to get the pictures on here even though she is now 4 months.)
The very first time we tried giving her cereal she screamed her head off. But I think she was super tired and starving, not the best time to start something new. The next time we tried baby food instead of cereal and she cried at first but soon stopped. Once she realized that something was going into her mouth and it tasted good she was hooked. It was so funny to watch her because she would try to suck it off the spoon and made a big mess. She is doing better and better with eating and has started noticing when we eat. She just sits there and watches and I know she is trying to figure out what we are doing. I don't think it will take her long to start wanting what we have.
11 weeks old

Lol! Literally!

I have been trying and trying to get Morgan to laugh for a while now. I knew the past couple of months were mainly a waist because she was too young, but I couldn't help but try. I've been tickling her (I know she is going to be ticklish because she tenses and grunts when you try to do it) and playing peek-a-boo (which she thinks it totally ridiculous. She looks at my like I'm crazy)neither of which have worked.....................until yesterday!! My sweet girly finally laughed out loud! It was so unexpected and the sweetest noise I have heard in a while. She hasn't laughed today but now I know she can and I can't wait to hear it again!!

13 weeks old
(actually didn't laugh until 16 weeks old)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Guess whose rolling??!! Yup, Miss Morgan has gotten rolling over mastered. She rolled over from her back to her belly when she was about 2 months old, but had never done it again. She has been rolling over from her belly to her back for about a month or two and the past couple of weeks has really started rolling from her back to her belly. At first she would get rolled over and get her arm stuck under her and get so mad, but since she has really been working on it lately she has it mastered now. Every time you put her on her back, she immediately rolls over. She hates to be on her back and is starting to really enjoy being on her belly. It's so amazing that just a week or two ago she had to work and work to get rolled over. Now she can roll over in about 2 seconds.

Sweet baby girl rolling over at 4 months old

Meeting cousins for the first time

We were unable to go meet my niece Kathryn when she was born because I was pregnant and didn't have any days to take off from school because I needed them for when I had Morgan. I was very sad about this because I was there when Kobi was born. We were hoping to get to see them way before we got to, but it ended up being 6 months later. By that time Morgan was here and she got to meet her too. I am definitely ready for either us to move up closer to my brother or for my brother to move closer to us. I miss seeing Kobi all the time and hate that I am missing him and Kathryn's childhood. I really want Morgan and her cousins to grow up together. I have good memories of my cousins from when I was younger and I want that for Morgan too.
Kathryn and Morgan checking each other out.
Kathryn-6 months old, Morgan 3 months old

Kobi has asked and asked about Morgan. When he finally got to meet her, he loved and loved on her. Such a sweet cousin!
Kobi-6 years old
Morgan was just about done by this point. It was so hard trying to get all three kids to look at the same time. This was about as good as I could get. We had so much fun and can't wait till we get to see them again!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

4 months old

Were loving our little girl more every day and are absolutely hating to leave her at gome to go to work. It makes me feel a little better that she is home with my mom, but that doesn't take away missing her at all!

At 4 months Morgan:

weighs 16 pounds (85th percentile)  and is 25 inches long (80th percentile). She is getting to be such a big girl. When I see just her all the time I think she is getting so big, but when I see her up to another baby she always seems to look so small. Is still wearing 0-3 month clothing but a lot of it is getting too small, if not already too small. I have already put a couple outfits away because she can't wear them anymore. I have tried a couple of 3-6 outfits and they are just a tad too big. She will be into them with in the next couple of weeks. She is now wearing size 2 diapers. It's amazing to me how quickly she grows out of the diapers!

is really beginning to become a happier baby. She smiles and smiles especially when she first wakes up. Today was the first time she actually laughed out loud! I have been trying and trying to get her to laugh but it didn't matter what I did, she just wouldn't do it. I tried peek-a-boo, tickling her, and laughing myself. She would just look at me like I was crazy. But not today, today I tickled her and it just came out. Like she had been doing it forever! I wish I would have gotten it on camera but hopefully sometime soon I can her laughing. It won't be her first time but it will still be sweet and special!

loves the TV at times. She has sat and watched and watched for quite a while. I really don't like her watching a lot of it, but sometimes when I need to get something done it's a life saver.

loves eating baby food! She eats one thing of baby food at dinner time.We have tried a lot of stuff. Sweet pot, carrots, peas, green beans, zucchini, squash, applesauce, bananas, peaches, and pears. I think she might be a little allergic to bananas. The first night we tried them she got a rash but we weren't sure if it was the bananas or maybe the bath. But she got a rash the second and third night also. So we won't be having any banana's anytime soon. I am always leery about new things because Cory is allergic to things and has had some scares here lately. I don't think he is allergic to any food, but it still scares me with Morgan. I am always fearful her throat will start swelling up which freaks me out!

has not been sleeping good lately. She was sleeping between 9 and 10 hours but the past couple of weeks she has been off. For about a week to 2 weeks she was waking up 2 to 3 times a night. I was and am still confused on whether I should feed her in the middle of the night. Then we started putting cereal in her bottle again and she started sleeping for about 7 hours. I'll take that! But last night she woke up at 12:00, 3:00 and then 7:30. I'm not sure what is going on. Not sure if she is having a growth spurt, feels our stress with starting back to school, trying to get use the change or what. There's not telling with this girl, it's always something different! Her nightly routine is still baby food at 8:00, bath time, lotioned and dressed, read a book, bottle, then bed. It seems to run smoothly so I guess we'll keep it.

has started to suck her index and middle finger, and we have caught her sucking her thumb a couple of times. I have tried so hard to get her to take a paci so she wouldn't suck her thumb but no matter how hard I try she refuses to take one. When she started sucking her thumb, we popped the paci in to see if she would take it. She sucked it all day, then has refused it ever since. I might as well just give up on the paci. She's just not gonna take it. I just pray she doesn't suck her thumb till kindergarten like I did.

has got the rolling over thing mastered. She can roll over from back to belly and from belly to back. When you lay her down on her back she immediately rolls to her belly. She no longer gets her arm stuck. She can push up on her arms when on her belly and holds her head up to see. She follows you walking across the room, and turns her head when she hears you talking. She smiles when you smile and smiles for no reason at all.

has babbled for a couple of months now but the past couple of weeks she has really been talking a lot, and very loud. I think she loves to hear herself talk. She has found her tongue, hands and feet. She rolls her tongue and sticks it in and out. She has started to try and reach for things and picked a toy up off the table today. She reaches for her feet and tries to put them in her mouth. Hasn't quite made them there yet but I know she will soon. She drools like crazy and makes spit bubbles.

She is getting so big and really coming into her own little self. I hate that she is getting so big so fast, but I am thankful that she is growing into a healthy little girl.

Momma's 28th birthday
Happy girl, ready for church
15 weeks
Sweet baby girl!
16 weeks old
No more pictures momma

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Summer Lovin

This little girl made this summer so amazing.
I loved having all summer to love and cuddle
on this bundle of pure cuteness!

She definitely brings joy to my life.

I am so sad to see our summer end. I'm going to
miss having all day long with my precious baby. I'm
already counting down the days until my first
vacation time.

11 weeks

3 Months Old and a couple of weeks

I am way behind on Morgan's 3 month post. She is actually 3 and a 1/2 months old now. My how she has changed in the past couple of weeks. I will try to go back to when she was really 3 months old.

At 3 months Morgan:

weighs 14 pounds. I am not sure about her height because we did not go to the Dr. this month. She is wearing 0-3 month clothing and size 1 diapers. The 0-3 month outfits fit her pretty good but I think she will be out of them pretty soon.

has really come out of her shell. She smiles all the time and follows you walking across the room. She loves to watch Abby especially when she is going crazy with a toy. She babbles but not a lot.

still loves the fan but is becoming interested in different things now. She is getting more interested in the tv and will sometimes watch it for quite a while mainly when there is something on that has a lot of colors, movement and noise.

has started eating baby food! We have tried squash, carrots, green beans and peas. Next we are starting on the fruit. She seems to like everything we have given her so far, so that is a plus. She really seems to enjoy food.

is sleeping between 9 and 10 hours. We have settled into more of a nightly routine then before. I feed her baby food around 8:15, then I bathe her, lotion and dress her, then I try to read a book to her, feed her a bottle and put her down. By the time I get to the book she is usually done and ready for a bottle, so we are getting less and less reading time.

loves bath time! She just smiles and kicks the whole time. No more crying, thank goodness!

is no longer breast feeding. At about 2 and a half months she started screaming every time I would try to nurse her. It didn't matter what I did, she screamed her head off. Since I was on the fence about doing it anyway and I figured I was going to have to quit when I went back to work, we decided to stop. She is now completely formula fed. She did get about 3 more weeks of breast milk after I stopped because of all the milk I had pumped. That made me feel a little better about stopping.

is not taking a paci anymore. Not sure what happened but she refuses to take one. I might as well give up because I don't think it's going to happen. Honestly, I think she is going to suck her thumb. She already sucks/chews on her hand all the time, so I think once she finds just that thumb she will suck it.

is doing great with not crying so much. She doesn't seem to be not as cranky like she was before. We have gone a good couple of weeks with out having bad days.

has learned how to roll over from her back to her belly. Once she gets rolled over her arm gets stuck and that makes her mad. Sometimes she can get it out right away and other times she struggles.

We have really enjoyed our summer with our sweet baby girl and are not looking forward to leaving her. But, thankfully we know she will be in good hands because my mom is going to watch her for us. We are so happy to not have to put her in a daycare. Now she will get one on one attention and we know for sure she will be taken care of.

Loves her new toy from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Daniel
10 weeks old

I like my bumbo seat from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Daniel also!
10 weeks old

Smiling in my jumperoo
12 weeks

Big girl sitting in my rocking chair
14 weeks