Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Top 11 in 2011

As 2011 draws to an end I thought I would blog about our top 11 things we are thankful for this year. We were both in a hard time in our life last year and the beginning of 2011. Thankfully we kept our faith in God and He brought us through. After the school year ended things started to look up. I want to always remember to be thankful and remember the many blessings that God so graciously gives us.

# 11 We sold my junk car and bought a new dependable one. We were more than thankful to get rid of my escape. It was falling apart and not dependable. That was always very frustrating and scary. We got a great deal on a Dodge Journey.

#10 We celebrated our 6th year wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been 6 years already! (I know I say that every year, but it's amazing to me how fast time flies) During our anniversary we went to visit my grandparents and mom in Horatio, AR. It wasn't really a celebration of any type but it was nice to be with family and enjoy their company.

#9 Cory got a new coaching job at Summersville High School. He is the head boys basketball coach, athletic director, and the high school PE teacher. We are so thankful for the move and happy to be in a place that the boys have good attitudes and a heart to play ball. It makes such a difference and he is very happy so far with his new job.

#8 I got my first teaching job at Summersville Elementary. I am one of the two first grade teachers and the Jr. high and high school cheerleading coach. There has been both good and bad times so far but I know a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am a first year teacher. I have enjoyed my first year of teaching but I am looking forward to next year when I have better knowledge and confidence.

#7 We were ecstatic to celebrate my mom's one year anniversary of her kidney transplant. Through out the year every week and month was a milestone to one year of everything going exactly the way it should. She ended up having no big ordeals and everything seems to be going very well! 

#6 Cory surprised me for my birthday with a sweet Boston Terrier, Abby. We love her to death and are so in love with her. I always thought people were ridiculous when they acted like their dog was their child, I now understand. She is the sweetest, cutest, stinker ever. We absolutely adore her!

#5 We found out we are expecting our first child! It was such a surprise after trying for 2 years. This is what I am most thankful for and can not wait for the arrival of baby Russell in late April!

#4 Finding out the gender of our baby- it's a girl! And seeing her move like crazy on the ultrasound screen. We are so thankful that Morgan seems to be doing great, growing like she should be and the pregnancy is going pretty good. We have had no concerns or scares so far.

#3 We have made two very close friends since we moved to Summersville and know that they have become life long important people in our lives. They are truly amazing people and we are so thankful they are here for us no matter what.

#2 My mom graduated from college. It only took her 30 plus years, but it's better late then never! Almost all of the family made it and we were very proud to sit in the crowd and watch her walk across that stage! Way to go mom!!

#1 Most of all I am thankful for my amazing husband! I truly have a great man who loves and adores me. He is a great provider, he helps out daily with the house, cooking, etc. He has great character and is a good Christian man. I can not wait to see him as a daddy to our baby girl. I know right now he is scared but I know he will do an amazing job!!

As 2011 draws to a close we reflect on the many blessings God has given us. We are thankful for His love and look forward to seeing what He has in store for us in 2012!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

An Arkansas Christmas

Since we all went to Meme's for mom's graduation we decided to
go ahead and have our Christmas while we were all there. It was
a little hectic because everyone arrived on Friday night and had to leave
Sunday. Saturday was packed to the brim with graduation,

Christmas dinner,

and opening presents.

 It wasn't fun to pack it all in, but
I'm glad we got see each other and have some sort of a
Christmas. Hopefully next year it will be for longer and we
will actually get to enjoy our time together instead of cramming
it all into one day. Unfortunately Brian, Annie, and the kids
didn't get to come and neither did Amanda Shaw, Sarah or Cory but
the rest of the family was there and we had a great time. It's always
nice to get to be together as a family and I wish it could and would
happen more often.

This was the the first time most of us had gotten to meet baby
Kayden and he was such a cutie and such a good baby.

 I'm really
hoping next year we will get to all be together because we will
have two new little ones and all together have 7 young ones
running around the house. I have always thought Christmas
was so much more fun when there were little ones around.

Every year it's mine and Kobi's tradition to make Christmas
cookies. So while we were there I thought why not throw
that into the mix too. I wanted the grandma's to come and help
him but mom was busy and Meme had no interest at all. Kobi
finally talked Granny Jan into it but I think she thought it was more
of a hassle then anything. As they were mixing the dough Kobi
got into the silver sprinkles and dumped the whole bottle into
the bowl. That was really fun to fix.

Then the dough was sticking
to the table when Granny Jan was rolling and cutting and
she decided to make them super thick.

Needless to say by the time Kobi and Granny Jan were done,
the cookies were not edible. Just another thing I would like
all the grand kids to get to do together next year.

Hoping next year we can all be together!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas at Alley Springs

Some friends of ours love to be outside and they always
find the most beautiful spots. So when they were
out taking a walk with their dog they found
that Alley Springs was decorated and looking
beautiful for the holidays. They wanted to take
some Christmas family pics there so we tagged along
and they took some of us too. I really like how they
turned out and can't wait until we get to have
family pics with our sweet Morgan!

Monday, December 19, 2011

5 Months

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 5 months

Size of Baby: approximately 6.5 inches long, 10 1/2 ounces

Gender: Girl!!! Morgan Amory Russell

Maternity Clothes: I wear the belly band a lot and I am
starting to wear maternity pants a little. I've only worn about 2
maternity shirts, most of my regular shirts I can still wear. I
can definitely tell a big difference now.

Weight Gain: 10 pounds

Movement: I started feeling her move about 2 weeks ago,
mainly when I was laying down. The past couple of days
I have been feeling her during the day. This makes me feel
so much better because I would go a couple of days wo feeling
her move and it would make me start to worry that there was
something wrong. Last night she was so active and I could feel
her move for about 10 minutes. This was the first time it was more
then just a little move, one time. I can't wait until Cory can feel
her too!! Our elementary had a Christmas concert and when the
music started playing I could feel her moving. It was super sweet!

Sleep: Sleeping good. I usually get up once to use the

Symptoms: Heartburn all the time!! Usually tums
takes care of it. It doesn't matter what I eat, I
usually get it. The hungry all the time has gone
away and so have cravings.

Cravings: None really. I'm eating just fine. Nothing
is making me sick and I'm not starving all the time

Best Moment of the Month: Finding out baby Russell
is a girl!!!!! I couldn't believe my ears! My feeling was right!
Cory is still hoping the tech was wrong and she will come
out a boy. Silly man!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's a............................


We would like to introduce to you.............

Morgan Amory Russell

We couldn't be any happier! Well Cory could be, but he'll get over it.
We went Thursday to find out what it was. I had some friends that told me
to drink orange juice and have a full bladder so the baby would be moving around
and would hopefully be able to see things better. When she started pushing on my belly,
I had to pee so bad!! She asked if we wanted to know the gender, of course we did!
I have had a feeling for about a month or two now that it was a girl but figured since
I wanted one so badly it would be a boy. Well after most of my class voted on a boy, and
about 3 people telling me I looked like I was having a boy, I was really freaked out
it was. I tried to tell myself it was probably a boy because I didn't want to start
crying or be upset if it really was a boy. I wasn't quite sure how I would react.
I was afraid I would be upset, and I still feel really bad about that. It's not
that I don't like boys, I just really want a girl and have for some time now!
Anyway back to my story..........
The tech had asked us if there were bets or anything, and I told her no, but
he wanted a boy and I wanted a girl. And joked that Cory might cry if it was
really was a girl. We were about 10 minutes into the
ultrasound when she asked us if either one of us was really going to cry
if she told us now, or did she need to wait until the end? Heck no! She
said "well I've looked 4 times and I'm pretty sure it's a GIRL, but things could
be tucked away." But she was pretty sure. We went on measuring things
and explaining things, half of which I had no idea what she was talking
about. Basically she said everything looked good, things were growing like
they were suppose to and she was measuring right on the original due date,
for now anyway.
Then at the end she said "well I'm sorry to tell you this Cory,
but I've looked about 15 times and theres no doubt it's a girl" Oh, I could not believe
my ears! I am was sooooo happy and Cory, well he just sat there with a big
smile on his face. It was so funny! She tried to get a 4D picture but baby girl
was pushed down into the placenta and we couldn't really see her face too good
and she had her hands up by her face. The tech had me go use the bathroom,
turn on my sides and that stubborn little girl would not come out. We got to see
her yawn, which was super cute and mover her mouth, which the tech said
she was drinking the fluid.
The tech did tell us that when we come in next time she would schedule
us and try for another 4D picture.
For the past two appointments Dr. Wright has been saying I am
measuring 3 weeks ahead but that he really thought it was from my
surgery and that my uterus is growing long instead of round. So while
we were with the tech I asked her what she thought. Like I said, she said
baby girl was measuring right on my due date and from the
way she was laying she agreed with Dr. Wright. Hearing this made me
feel much better. I don't know why but I was worrying just a little that
there might be something wrong.
I am pretty sure I have been feeling her move the past couple of days,
which is sooo amazing! It is mainly when I lay down, probably because
I am still and sometimes paying attention. I am ready to feel her all
the time. There are certain things I wear that I feel very pregnant
and then some things that I don't feel pregnant at all. So that with
not feeling her during the day makes me scared sometimes. I am always
happy to go to the dr. and hear her heartbeat because I start to get scared
that something is wrong. I will feel much better when I can really feel her
move and know that she is ok.

I still can't believe that I am really pregnant and now that I am really
having a girl!! God is so amazing and He truly does hear and care for
His children. It was very hard to wait to even start trying for 4 years, and
it was even harder to try for 2 years wo getting pregnant. But God knew
exactly what He was doing and His timing was perfect. Sometimes I have
to remember that God sees the big picture and He has a plan for my life.
If I would just stop trying to makes the plans myself, things would
probably go a lot easier. Thank you God, for loving me and giving us this
sweet precious gift!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wives Tales for Gender Prediction

We are going to the dr. this Thursday to find out what we are having. (I have to add in that every time I ask Cory what he think we are having he says "a baby, what else?") Everyone know that I am wanting a girl and Cory is wanting a boy, and that I have a "feeling" it is a girl. Just for fun I thought I would look up the old wives tales and see what they said. Let me tell you, I am super excited! Even if it is silly old wives tales!

Heart rate: I looked up what they say about the babies heart rate
and it says that if it usually runs 140 or lower it's
a boy, higher it's a girl. Mine has been running 150-160

Chinese Calendar: For this you have to put in your age and
 due date or conception date. Again I was told I was having a

Cravings: They say if you crave salty things, it's a boy. If you
crave sweets and citrus it's a girl.Well I crave food period,
so I really don't know who gets it here except I did/do sometimes
crave orange juice so we will go with

Morning Sickness: I read that if you have early morning sickness and
 terrible morning sickness it's a girl. So according to this it's a

Necklace with Pendant: This is test is the same as using your wedding
ring or the old pencil trick. You hold the necklace over your hand or your belly.
If it moves in a circle, it's a girl, back and forth, it's a boy. It went in a circle so

Kids Know: Before I go to the Dr. I am going to have my students vote
on what they think it will be. I have always heard that kids know, so we will see.

I know there are several more things you can do but I'm sure you could go
on and on with it. Right now from the tests it is leaning towards a girl,
so I hope they are right!! We will find out in 4 days. I can't wait!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Baby Dr. Appointment

Well I am 18 weeks and can't believe I am almost half way there. 20 weeks is just around the corner. Crazy how fast things go. I went this past Wednesday for another appointment. It was suppose to be next Wednesday but my appointments are all messed up. You see, Dr. Wright schedules all your appointments the first time you go. Well no one at the office ever told us that, and every time we went in we just scheduled the next one. Mainly because Cory is a coach and we are right in the middle of basketball season and he never knows when he will be free. Then it doesn't help that I am the cheerleading coach and we are both teachers. All you teachers are probably saying "enough said"!!!! The last time we went it had to be pushed to 4 weeks instead of 3 because we had a bball tournament and it was Thanksgiving. This time was suppose to be pushed to 4 weeks also because of another tournament. I wasn't sure if he was going to let us find out the gender this next week and all the teachers at school said I better call because he takes like an hour when he does it. So I called. It took me about 2 weeks to finally get ahold of his nurse because of Thanksgiving, etc. I finally did and explained to her what was going on and that if we didn't find out this time it would be after Christmas before we found out, and I did NOT want to wait another 3 to 4 weeks. She said she understood and we got an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday at 3:00. I am sooooo excited and can't believe that in less then a week we will find out what we are having!! I still have a feeling it's a girl but I'm sure since I want one so bad it will be a boy.

The appointment Wednesday went well. Since it was rescheduled at the last minute I had to go by myself. I was ok with that because I knew he wasn't going to do much. He asked me a few questions, how I was feeling, etc. Then measured me and said I was still a little big for my due date but that he still wasn't worried about it. My uterus measured 21 cm and I was told (not by Dr. Wright) that however big it measures goes along with how many weeks you are. I am 18 weeks but I am measuring 21 weeks. He has said he thinks that maybe my uterus is growing long and skinny instead of round, due to my surgery. I am hoping that there is nothing wrong and that on Thursday when she does the ultrasound she will measure the whole uterus and tell us that Dr. Wright it right. I have gained a total of 10 pounds in a little over 4 months. He said he figures I will gain about 25 pounds in total. I really hope he is wrong and I am so glad that the starving ALL the time is better. We listened to the heartbeat and it was running 150. It sounded so fast and strong. That was about it. I was in there for about 15 minutes and that was it. I was so happy things are still going good and super excited for next Thursday to come!!

I can't wait to find out what we are having so we can do our registry and buy things. I have been looking online for the bedding but I just can't seem to find something that I just love. I already know if it's a boy we are doing the room in Kansas Jayahwk stuff (unfortunately I was not thinking a couple of years ago and promised to Cory that if we had a boy we could do the room in KU. What was I thinking????) But if it's a girl I can't make my mind up on what colors I want to do. I have always said I would do brown and pink, but I am really loving either blue and pink, or green and pink, but I can't find a bedding set that isn't ugly or way too expensive. I guess I'll keep looking. Good thing I still have 5 months to find something. We do have our crib we just have to go get it. I can't wait to pick it up and make my husband put it together. He won't be thrilled about that but oh well.

Can't wait to post what we are having! Stay tuned!!!