Friday, May 20, 2011

Craziness, Scrapbooking and Babies

Wow, crazy is the word for my life right now. It is going way too fast. Packing, party's, cleaning, work, scrapbooking, dentist appointments, car appointments, title issues, dog issues, family issues, and the list goes on and on. I don't know that I have ever been this busy in my life. I am ready to get moved, clean, paint, and get settled. Super excited!!

In the midst of my crazy life right now, I am doing a National Scrapbooking crop this weekend. Starts tonight from 5:00-12:00 and then tomorrow from 9:00-11:00! That's 21 hours of scrapbooking bliss!! Plus I am going with two very close friends! Were all super excited! Hoping I get a lot done because I haven't done any scrapbooking in the past couple of months. Grrrrrr I just haven't been in the mood. Hoping this weekend gets me working and creative.

Big News!! I am going to be an aunt AGAIN!! I am so happy for my SIL Sarah and my brother Daniel. They have been trying for a couple of years now and things finally worked out. I don't know about them, but I am hoping for a girl! Kobi was and is fun but I'm ready to spoil a little girl rotten! Not that I don't spoil Kobi, trust me I do! But there's so much more stuff for little girls. Cute clothes, frilly stuff, bows, shopping trips, and PINK!! Now hoping that I am pregnant too so our kids will be close together. I have always wanted that and jokingly told my SIL a few years back that she had to wait for me. Maybe this is it! ;) I am in the waiting phase..............I HATE the waiting phase! But guess it's good I have a lot to keep me busy right now!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Few and Far Between

I may be few and far between posts here the next couple of weeks. Since we are in the process of moving our schedule is crazy!! This weekend we are doing a garage sale with some friends of ours who are also moving. Cory's parents are coming for lunch and fishing on Sunday, and Sunday night we have our last small group meeting. (the last one WE will be attending) Sniff, sniff....... Monday Cory and I both have dentist appointment. Cory told me last night his tooth is hurting him. Hoping it's just a cavity or something little and not a huge ordeal. Tuesday we are going to Summersville so Cory can meet with the old coach, meet the boys, have an open gym, and I can interview. Wednesday night some friends of ours are having a going away party for us. Friday and Saturday I am going to a National Scrapbooking Crop. Sunday and Monday Cory and I will be at his mom's house. Tuesday is the last day of school. Friday some more friends of ours are having a going away party. In between all of that we have to pack! Thankfully we have been packing everyday this week after school. A little at a time.
OH and someone dropped off 3 puppies and a momma at our house. Neither of us are too happy because we can't take them with us and we can't find anyone to take them. Hoping we get rid of them soon.
I'm so ready to get to the new house so I can clean, paint, and get my house back in order.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


So I told you earlier that I would update you on the whole moving thing. Well...............we are moving! I'm super excited, as is my husband! To make a long story short as to why we are moving, my husband is a basketball coach. Enough said! I will tell you that while we have many enemies and have had some rough times here, we also have some pretty amazing friends, church and memories!! I can't believe I am saying this but I am kind of sad we are leaving. We have lived here for five years. I know this place, where everything is, what's good to eat and what's not. Who people are, lots of friends to hang out with, and we love our church. So I guess the sadness is not only because we are leaving such special friends but also the normal. You see, I thrive on normal and comfortable. So this whole moving to where I don't know anybody, where anything is, will they like me kind of thing freaks me out a little. But then I remember the rough times we had and then I'm super excited to get the heck out of dodge!!

I'm in the process of packing right now. It's slow but there isn't really a rush right now. Just thought I would go ahead and get started. We probably won't move until the 2nd week of June. Oh, and another awesome thing about this job is that the school has a house for us. You see, the school built it and then let administrators live in it. A couple of years of ago he/she didn't want it so they let the coach use it. It's just a small 2 bedroom/1 bath house, but that's all we need right now. And IF we get pregnant soon we will still have a room for the baby. Having a house already is amazing because it takes away the stress of finding one! That is always a pain!! We don't want to buy because a coaches job is never forever but trying to find something to rent that is descent and affordable is very hard to find.

Now that my husband has a job, we can move onto finding me one. There a couple of positions here and there so hopefully I can get one of them. I could be looking at starting my first year as a teacher!

Only 2 weeks of school left and then summer, here we come!! I can't wait!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Little Crazy

Ok, ok so things have been a little crazy around here. I haven't had much time to blog. But here I am with a few minutes to spare.

 First of all, Easter has come and gone. We celebrated with a Easter lunch with Cory's family in Corning. Oh my, it was soooo good! I loved getting to watch the girls dye Easter eggs. Made me miss my Kobi man, who I didn't get to dye Easter eggs with. I think this is the first year we missed it. Oh well, I think it was more for me anyway.
Then it rained for about a week straight. We were out of school for a week, which was nice but we now have to go to school for 3 extra days, tacked onto the extra days for missing because of snow. Only three weeks, we can make it! I hope! Back to our flood, we had roads closed, houses flooded (not mine, thank goodness!) roads washed out, tornado watches and warnings. It was not too fun. But we made it through and survived. Thankfully Doniphan was never hit with any actual tornadoes. For once we are all praying for no more rain. Course in a month or two when we haven't had rain since April, we will be wishing we had some. Funny how that happens.

I took a pregnancy test on Tuesday, negative. Started last night. I did not cry. Very proud of myself. But I was secretly praying that I had just taken the test too early and promised myself that if I had not started by Sunday (Mothers Day) I would take one that morning. Glad I started before then because I probably would have cried. It would have been so neat and special to have gotten a positive pregnancy test on Mothers Day! But it will be special on whatever day it comes. I have told myself that it is in God's hands and when He wants it to happen, He will let it happen. I have prayed to Him to hear my plea and beg of Him to grant me my desire. It is in His hands and that is all I can do right now.

On a positive note. We are MOVING!!! Yes I said MOVING!! We are super excited, you have no idea! More on that later!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just a Quick Note.......

 Just thought I would do a quick post so you would
know I haven't died, gone off the deep end, been blown
away, or drowned. I am still here. We were out all last
week because of the weather, and out early Monday
and out yesterday. So it's been a little crazy.
But it's still crazy so I will have to
fill you in tomorrow. Hopefully......
until then, miss you!